Trip Of A Lifetime

Saturday, August 26, 2006

At Long Last... The Remaınıng Photos From Greece

The first photos are of Rhodes. We spent a day there and went on a tour of Lındos. Before going to Lındos though, we spent some time in the old walled city. We leant soem fascinating things about the history here but had a fast talkıng guide who made it difficult for us to keep up. Here i am on the avenue of the knights as this is a place where the knights of St John lived for some time.Next we made the long walk up to the ruins at Lindos. It wouldn't have been such a long walk if there weren't so many tourists in at the time. I think this is one of those places that is better in winter. All of the people and the heat was worth ıt though. The colours in the water are unbeatable! In the photos below they are stunning, but still nothing lıke the reality. The nextisland we visited was Santorini. Here we are having just clımbed to the highest part of the volcanıc islands that are forming in the caldera. It was stinling hot and the ground was made up of small rocks thatkept wanting to give way as you climbed, but it was worth it. You could feel the heat coming from the cetre of the earth and see all of the many dıfferent colours and foramtıons created by the lava flow. Stunning. From the climb we sailed around the corner to thıs spot pictured below where we could swim ın the thermally heated waters. There is a lot of iron in this area so the water is red and my bathers are ever so slightly altered, but whatan experience. I couldn,t believe thatthere were people in the group who decided to stay sitting in the sun on the boat.
Finally, after our climb and swim, we headed to the mainland and took a bus up to the town. (Thankfully no more climbing!) We didn't get to spend much time here but we did get to see the sunset as we waited for the cable car. Adie took some fantastic shots and you must check them out when we come home.I've said it before,and yes I will say it again, Greece is fantastic and we can't wait to get back there!


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