Trip Of A Lifetime

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Measure For Measure

I went to see some Shakespeare at the National Theatre last night. You know, get some culture? How can one justify coming to the United Kingdom and not going to see some of the Bard's work? I mean, really!

Actually, I'm never really that thrilled at the prospect of watching Shakespeare. It can be terribly boring and often directors miss the point entirely. This particular performance came highly recommended though and seemed like it had potential. I'm glad I listened because I am now a fan of the work produced by a company called Complicite.

Forget traditional Shakespeare... that can be saved for the Globe. (Which I may just indulge in come summer.) Forget crappy modernisations... that can be left to MTC. No, Complicite bring an edge to Shakespeare that I'm sure was there in his heyday but that seems to be absent from so many productions of his work in these contemporary times.

*I just re-read myself. I do sound like a prat, don't it!?! Oh well, too bad. I'm enjoying myself!

The Measure for Measure I saw last night was modernised but it was gritty too. There was some nudity, sexual references, violence and fake blood, but it was all done in a way thatdragged the audience into the performance and allowed us to feel the play. That and my incredibly crappy seat that ruined my back.

Some people didn't like it and left. (Please note that they did not leave as the couple in the brothel simulted sexual acts, but when poor Isabel's shirt was ripped from her body. Maybe they don't like grit.) Everyone else seemed riveted. Laughing, either becaus ethey understood the joke or because it made them uncomfortable. Staring, open-mouthed because the performances were so powerful. Clapping like maniacs at the end because they were satisfied by what the show provided.

Some excellent performances, filled with passion and conviction. Some interesting questions left in the minds of the viewers. And all for only £10. What a fantastic world we live in hey?


  • I love it when something like that happens. Well done on getting such cheap tickets too.

    I'm off to see MTC's Ray's Tempest on Monday night at The Fairfax Studio. I'd nearly forgotten in amongst the goings on that have been going on recently. It is the Public Holiday for Labour Day in Victoria on the 13th so I was planning to drive to work anyway and I noticed signs up by Knox City saying that the Queen's Baton Relay, for the Commonwealth Games, would be arriving there that afternoon. I made a mental note not to be driving down Burwood Highway that afternoon to get home but, of course, I don't think there will be much of a problem because I will be heading in the opposite direction anyway.

    I love reading your posts. Makes me feel guilty that I haven't written more on my blog lately. I will try to change that this weekend.

    Stay beautiful.

    By Blogger Riss, at 1:02 am  

  • I don't know the show, but you make it sound worth my while!!

    I wonder how many men in dirty old trenchcoats will be buyting tickets after reading this?

    (I don't count - I'm happily married.)

    By Blogger BEVIS, at 2:01 pm  

  • buyting = buying

    By Blogger BEVIS, at 2:02 pm  

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